演讲人: Du Li, Ph.D.
Principal Researcher ricsson Research Silicon Valley, USA时间:2013 年 5 月 22 日上午 9 时 30 分地点:复旦大学张江校区软件楼 105(IBM 会议室)承办单位:复旦大学计算机科学技术学院社会计算研究中心联 系 人:卢暾(lutun@fudan.edu.cn)ABSTRACT: We spend 80% of our time in buildings and most of the time we share the physical spaces with other human beings. Buildings are not only collaborative but also must be habitable. Modern buildings are increasingly smart in that they embed an array of sensors and actuators, which could help make them "better" habitable collaborative systems. There are a wide range of problems for research. For example, from the perspective of energy efficiency, how to tap into a legacy building for sensing and actuation without expensive remodeling, how to detect and predict occupancy with minimum deployment costs, how to write one application that runs in many buildings, and how to incentivize building occupants to save energy collaboratively. This talk will informally share the speaker's vision in this area and overview some recent projects.BIO: Dr. Du Li is currently a Principal Researcher at Ericsson Research, Silicon Valley, USA. He received PhD from UCLA in 2000 and won a CAREER award from the NSF in 2002. His research interests include collaborative systems, mobile and ubiquitous computing, Internet of things, smart buildings, computer-supported cooperative work, and human-computer interaction.