演讲者 | Li Li | 头衔职位 | Senior Lecturer,Monash University | 时间 | 2021年11月22日下午14:00-15:00 | 地点 | https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/4MBKkPCdCO8d 【会议 ID:140 312 939】 | 联系人 | 李弋,liy@fudan.edu.cn | 学生交流 | 会议室 E1006 |
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Mobile Software Engineering (MSE) is an emerging yet hot and essential research area in the field of software engineering that concerns applications of traditional software engineering methodology (concepts, methods, tools, models, programming styles) to mobile software systems (such as Android or iOS). Researchers have contributed to this area from various aspects, including Security and Privacy Analysis, App Quality Assurance, App Store Analysis, etc. In this talk, Dr. Li will briefly introduce the status quo of MSE and discuss some of his research projects published in this area.
Dr. Li Li is a Senior Lecturer, ARC DECRA Fellow, and a PhD supervisor at Monash University, Australia. He received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Luxembourg in 2016. He was named as one of the Top-5 most impactful earlier career software engineering researchers in the world (Twice in a row). He has published over 80 research papers at prestigious conferences such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ASE, ISSTA, POPL, PLDI, WWW, and prestigious journals such as ACM TOSEM and IEEE TSE, TIFS, TDSC. He received an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at PLDI 2021, a Best Student Paper Award at WWW 2020, an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at ASE 2018, a FOSS Impact Paper Award at MSR 2018, and a Best Paper Award at the ERA track of IEEE SANER 2016. He is an active member of the software engineering and security community, serving as a reviewer for many top-tier conferences and journals such as ASE, ICSME, SANER, MSR, TSE, TOSEM, TIFS, TDSC, TOPS, EMSE, JSS, IST, etc.