• 讲座信息

12.25 | Towards Reliable Application Deployment in the Clouds


时间:2017 年 12 月 25 日 (星期一) 下午 2:00-3:00
地点:张江校区计算机楼 405
报告人:Dr. Ruichuan Chen (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
联系人:陈阳 chenyang@fudan.edu.cn

Various applications haven been migrated from self-maintained infrastructure to the cloud for increased reliability. A common practice to increase the reliability of a cloud application is to deploy redundant instances. Unfortunately, such redundancy efforts can be undermined if the application's instances share common dependencies. In this talk, I will first present reCloud, a novel system that utilizes various pieces of available dependency information about the cloud infrastructure to efficiently find a reliable deployment plan for applications deployed within a single cloud. I will also present INDaaS, which works for applications deployed across cloud boundaries where different cloud providers are unwilling to share their structural information with each other.

Ruichuan Chen is a researcher at Bell Labs in Stuttgart, Germany. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher working with Paul Francis at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS). He received the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Peking University in 2009. Ruichuan's research interests span the broad areas of networking and distributed systems. In particular, his current research centers around cloud computing and data analytics. Ruichuan's work has been published at various prestigious venues including SIGCOMM, OSDI, NSDI, CoNEXT, USENIX ATC, CCS, INFOCOM, etc. More details can be found on his homepage at http://www.ruichuan.org/.