• 讲座信息

04.02 | 音频音乐技术(CSMT)学术报告



时间:2018 年 4 月 2 号,星期一,13:30-16:30

地点:复旦大学张江校区第二教学楼 201 教室(上海市浦东新区张衡路 825 号)

联系人:李伟 weili-fudan@fudan.edu.cn

Talk1:“Arts or Engineering? Music Perception and Recognition: using expressive timing analysis as an example”

Presenter:Dr. Shengchen Li(李圣辰)


Music perception and recognition are fairly complicated human activities. However, since decades ago there are many efforts trying to use mathematics to make the musicology research more precise and objective.  As a result, computational musicology appeared. Typical computational musicology work includes investigating how the music terms can be precisely described and how the performances can be objectively evaluated despite the lack of well-acknowledged success. With the development of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and statistical analysis methods, the performance of computational musicology research becomes better and better but the success of computational musicology works still depend on the rapid development of MIR technology and the improvement of machine learning methods.

In this seminar, the presenter will take the analysis of expressive timing as an example to show how a piece of computational musicology work should be performed and how computational musicology interacts with machine learning algorithms and music theories. Although existing works still have a long way to go for reaching well-acknowledge states, reviewing the current state-of-the-art works helps us to understand how the potential computational works should go and where the future works can go.


Graduated from joint program between Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), Dr. Shengchen Li obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (China) and BSc (Honoured) in the year of 2011. Then he went to Centre for Digital Music (C4DM), QMUL for his PhD following the supervision of Prof. Mark Plumbley and Prof. Simon Dixon. With the doctoral degree awarded in the year of 2016, he went back to BUPT as a lecturer in the Embedded Artificial Intelligence research group, Institution of Information Photons and Optical Communications, BUPT.

His research focuses on music perception and recognition with mathematical models especially in the analysis of expressive timing. His work has been published by multiple main conferences of music information processing such as ICMPC, CMMR, SMC and ISMIR, which shows the acknowledge of the majority of society. Besides working as a scientific researcher, he also gets involved of music works as a musician as he has followed the piano forte Jin Ju for piano performance and has participated Imola International Piano Festival as an organiser. This unique background provides the work of Dr. Shengchen Li not only a scientific sense but also a good music sense.


Presenter:Prof. Yi Qin(秦毅)





    她关注于艺术与科技、传统与现代,以及多重艺术元素间的融合,曾获第九届中国音乐金钟奖器乐作品最佳作品奖(最高奖)、2006 许常惠国际音乐创作奖声乐类首奖(最高奖)、第八届中国音乐金钟奖全国合唱作品比赛银奖、2008 奥地利林兹电子艺术大奖赛电子音乐类评委会荣誉奖等十多个国内外重要奖项。曾获上海市教委晨光学者称号、上海文艺人才基金优秀文艺人才奖。

    自 2006 年至今,秦毅主持国家教委霍英东基金项目 1 项,国家艺术基金会项目 1 项,上海市教委项目 2 项,参与的上海市科委重点专项获上海市文化广播影视管理局科学技术进步一等奖。秦毅获得授权国家专利 1 项,发表第一作者的核心杂志及国际会议学术论文 10 余篇。

    她的作品形式多样,既包含多部跨媒体剧场作品、声音装置作品、电子音乐作品,也有乐队、合唱、室内乐、独奏等传统形式作品,它们被欧洲、美洲、澳洲、亚洲等诸多国内外著名艺术节广泛上演及出版,纽约时报曾评论 “人们无法不被她的作品所迷倒……”。