演讲者 | 刘洪强 | 头衔职位 | 阿里巴巴高级研究经理 | 时间 | 2019 年 7 月 5 日(周五)15:00 - 16:30 | 地点 | 复旦大学邯郸校区老逸夫楼 407 室 | 联系人 | 吴杰 , jwu@fudan.edu.cn |
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The speed of network interfaces is still rapidly growing in data centers – from 1Gbps ten years ago to 100Gbps today and 400Gbps or larger in the future. However, it is not straightforward for applications to leverage the network capacity underneath, and one major reason is that the existing congestion control mechanisms cannot achieve the three key goals, high bandwidth, low latency and stability, at the same time over hyper-speed networks. In this talk, we present HPCC (High Precision Congestion Control), a new congestion control mechanism which achieves the three goals simultaneously. HPCC leverages in-network telemetry (INT) to obtain precise link load information and controls traffic precisely. By addressing challenges such as delayed INT information during congestion and overreaction to INT information, HPCC can quickly converge for utilizing free bandwidth or avoiding congestion and maintain near-zero in-network queues for ultra-low latency. HPCC is also fair and easy to deploy with hardware. We implement HPCC with commodity programmable NICs and switches. We believe HPCC is a start towards CC for hyper-speed networks in the future.
Hongqiang "Harry" Liu is a Senior Research Manager in Alibaba Group. Before joining Alibaba, Dr. Liu was a Researcher in Microsoft Research Redmond Lab, where he created the well-known large-scale emulator, CrystalNet, which has been widely used in industry. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at Yale University in 2014. Before joining Yale, he received his Master's and Bachelor's degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing. His research interest lies on many fields of networking and cloud computing, including high performance networking, network verification and testing, virtual networking, container networking, high performance networking (e.g. RDMA), programmable data plane networking (P4), and edge computing. Dr. Liu has published more than 10 papers in top-tier academic conferences, such as ACM SIGCOMM, ACM SOSP, USENIX NSDI. He is the recipient of the prestigious ACM SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Award - Honorable Mention in 2015.