演讲者 | 侯韩旭博士 | 头衔职位 | 东莞理工学院高层次骨干人才 | 时间 | 2019 年 5 月 22 日下午 13:30 | 地点 | 复旦大学张江校区第二教学楼 Z2211 教室 | 联系人 | 王新 xinw@fudan.edu.cn |
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Erasure coding is widely used for massive storage in data centers to achieve high fault tolerance and low storage redundancy. Since the cross-rack communication cost is often high, it is critical to design erasure codes that minimize the cross-rack repair bandwidth during failure repair. In this talk, we analyze the optimal trade-off between storage redundancy and cross-rack repair bandwidth specifically for data centers, subject to the condition that the original data can be reconstructed from a sufficient number of any non-failed nodes. We characterize the optimal trade-off curve under functional repair, and propose a general family of erasure codes called rack-aware regenerating codes (RRC), which achieve the optimal trade-off. We further propose exact repair constructions of RRC that have minimum storage redundancy and minimum cross-rack repair bandwidth, respectively. We show that (i) the minimum storage redundancy constructions support a wide range of parameters and have cross-rack repair bandwidth that is strictly less than that of the classical minimum storage regenerating codes in most cases, and (ii) the minimum cross-rack repair bandwidth constructions support all the parameters and have less cross-rack repair bandwidth than that of the minimum bandwidth regenerating codes for almost all of the parameters. Finally, we discuss some future works of RRC.
侯韩旭博士,2010 年获西安电子科技大学信息安全学士学位,2015 年和 2016 年分别获香港中文大学信息工程系博士学位和北京大学电子科学与技术博士学位,现任东莞理工学院高层次骨干人才,主要研究方向包括分布式存储编码,信道编码,网络编码,云计算和区块链等。近五年发表信息论与编码方向国际顶级期刊论文(包括 IEEE TIT, IEEE TCOM, IEEE JSAC, IEEE CL)和会议论文 40 余篇,著有专著一部。授权和申请美国发明专利,中国发明专利 20 余项,其中美国授权专利 3 项,中国授权专利 6 项。提出的部分编码技术已经被应用于某大型通信公司大数据项目并获得广泛应用,已转让给大数据公司两项中国发明专利。主持国家自然科学基金项目 1 项,技术骨干参与 973 科技部重点项目 1 项和国家自然科学基金项目 2 项。获得 2017 年中国电子学会信息论全国学术年会最佳论文奖和 2018 年深圳市科技进步二等奖。长期担任国际顶级期刊 IEEE TIT, IEEE TCOM, IEEE CL 和国际信息论年会 IEEE ISIT 的评审人。