演讲者 | Meikang Qiu | 头衔职位 | Professor Columbia University, USA Chair of IEEE Smart Computing STC
| 时间 | 2018 年 12 月 7 日(周五)上午 09:30 | 地点 | 邯郸路 220 号复旦大学逸夫楼 407 室 | 联系人 | 吕智慧 [lzh@fudan.edu.cn] |
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Recent booming growth of cloud computing and Big Data &AI have brought numerous challenges to resource scheduling and security from both insider and outsider threats. The encrypted data are relatively considered a safe storage status. However, the process of encrypting data is still facing adversarial actions and data process generally is inapplicable over cipher-texts. As a type of the encryption approach allowing computations over cipher-texts, a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) can concurrently deal with the adversarial hazards and support computations on cipher-texts. This research focuses on the issue of blend arithmetic operations over real numbers and proposes a novel tensor-based FHE solution with limited resources available. The proposed approach is called a Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Blend Operations (FHE-BO) model that uses tensor laws to carry the computations of blend arithmetic operations over real numbers. The experimental results have depicted that our approach is superior in security protection and resource usage to previous methods.
Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received the Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at Columbia University. He is an IEEE Senior member and ACM Senior member. He is the Chair of IEEE Smart Computing Technical Committee. His research interests include Cyber Security, Big Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Smarting Computing, Intelligent Data, Embedded systems, etc. A lot of novel results have been produced and most of them have already been reported to the research community through high-quality journal and conference papers. He has published 4 books, 400 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers (including 200+ journal articles, 200+ conference papers, 70+ IEEE/ACM Transactions papers). His paper published in IEEE Transactions on Computers about privacy protection for smartphones has been selected as a Highly Cited Paper in 2017. His paper about embedded system security published in Journal of Computer and System Science (Elsevier) have been recognized as Highly Cited Papers in both 2016 and 2017. His paper about data allocation for hybrid memory has been published in IEEE Transactions on Computers has been selected as hot paper (1 in 1000 papers) in 2017. His paper on Tele-health system has won IEEE System Journal 2018 Best Paper Award. He also won ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electrical Systems (TODAES) 2011 Best Paper Award. He has won another 10+ Conference Best Paper Awards in recent years. Currently, he is an associate editor of 10+ international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He has served as leading guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), special issue on Social Network Security. He is the General Chair/Program Chair of a dozen of IEEE/ACM international conferences, such as IEEE TrustCom, IEEE BigDataSecurity, IEEE CSCloud, and IEEE HPCC. He has won Navy Summer Faculty Award in 2012 and Air Force Summer Faculty Award in 2009. His research is supported by US government such as NSF, NSA, Air Force, Navy and companies such as GE, Nokia, TCL, and Cavium.