时间: Nov. 21 (Tuesday), 10:00-11:30
地点: 复旦大学张江校区软件楼 102 第二会议室
报告人:Xiaofeng Wang,Professor of Computer Science,Director of Center for Security Informatics (CSI) Indiana University Bloomington,Email: xw7@indiana.edu
联系人: 周喆 zhouzhe@fudan.edu.cn
In this talk, I will introduce system security research at Indiana University, including the new directions we are pursuing. IU system security is known to be among the leading groups in security research. During the past 13 years, we have been actively working on a wide spectrum of topics on the system security frontier, particularly, mobile/cloud security, IoT and TEE security, cybercrimes, healthcare privacy, and more recently, cognitive security and intelligent system protection. As examples, I will present our high-impact security analyses on mobile and IoT systems, and our recent studies on data-centric intelligent security, which lead to the discovery of tens of thousands of compromised websites (including those of government agencies like NIH, NSF and leading education institutions world-wide) and new, user-friendly protection of the emerging smarthome platform. Also as IU CS admission chair, I will share with undergraduates and graduates how a US university evaluates graduate applicants.
Dr. XiaoFeng Wang is a Rudy Professor of Computing at Indiana University, Co-director of IU’s Center for Security Informatics, and the Vice Chairman of the ACM SIGSAC (the special interest group on security). He is also a Co-Chair of the Technical Program Committee of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004, and has since been a faculty member at IU. He is considered to be one of the most prominent system security researchers, among the most productive authors at leading security venues (#5 among over 3,000 authors in the past 17 years according to online statistics: http://s3.eurecom.fr/~balzarot/notes/top4/). Dr. Wang is known for his high-impact research on security analysis of real-world systems and biomedical data privacy. Particularly the projects he led on payment and single-sign-on API integrations, Android and iOS security and IoT protection have changed the way the industry built these systems. Also he is one of the pioneer researchers on human genome privacy and the co-founder of the iDASH Genome Privacy Competition that bridges the frontline security and cryptography research and the real-world demands for biomedical data and computing protection. More recently, he is actively working on Data-Centric Intelligent Security, Cybercrimes, Hardware-support Protection and IoT Security. For this work, Dr. Wang has received numerous awards, including the 2011 Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (the PET Award) and the Best Practical Paper Award at the 32nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. His research has continuously received media attentions, being covered by CNN, MSNBC, Slashdot, CNet, PC World, Nature News, etc. Examples include the discovery of critical vulnerabilities in API integrations (http://money.cnn.com/2011/04/13/technology/ecommerce_security_flaw/) and the study on the security flaws in the Apple platforms (http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/18/technology/apple-keychain-passwords/).