• 讲座信息

11.07 | Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data


演讲人:Elisa Bertino,Cyber Space Security Lab (Cyber2Slab) Director,Purdue University,Email: bertino@cs.purdue.edu

时间:  2017 年 11 月 7 日(周二),上午 10:00-11:00

地点: 复旦大学张江校区软件楼 102 第二会议室

联系人:韩伟力 wlhan@fudan.edu.cn



Collecting and analyzing giant data sets (big data) is becoming increasingly common in multiple research fields and across business sectors. Recent advances in biomedicine, national security, climate change, computational social science, and the environment were made possible by the availability of huge scientific datasets from sensors, satellites, social networks, and new analytical protocols. In addition, the increased use of model-data fusion methodologies where various data streams are combined and synthesized in modeling frameworks is generating additional terabytes of data, in variable formats, and using a variety of metadata standards. However the effective and efficient usage of big data requires addressing many challenges. This talk will elaborate on these challenges as well on opportunities for research and applications of big data, including data security and transparency.


Elisa Bertino is professor of Computer Science at Purdue University. She serves as Director of the Cyber Space Security Lab (Cyber2Slab). In her role as Director of the Cyber2Slab she leads multi-disciplinary research in IoT security, data security and privacy, security for mobile systems. She also leads research projects in the area of cyberinfrastructure for scientific research. Prior to joining Purdue, she was a professor and department head at the Department of Computer Science and Communication of the University of Milan (Italy). Her recent research focuses on data security and transparency, digital identity management, biometrics, security for IoT and embedded systems, security and privacy policies. She has led the development of Purdue Computational Research Infrastructure for Science (CRIS), released on Nov. 2016 as open source software (https://github.com/crisscience/cris). Elisa Bertino is a Fellow member of ACM, IEEE, and AAAS. She received the 2002 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award for "For outstanding contributions to database systems and database security and advanced data management systems" and the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Tsutomu Kanai Award for “Pioneering and innovative research contributions to secure distributed systems”. She received the 2014 ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award “For her seminal research contributions and outstanding leadership to Data Security and Privacy for the past 25 years”.