报告人:Ben Pfaff 和 Justin Pettit (VMware)时间:2017 年 6 月 22 日(周四)13:30-15:00地点:张江校区软件楼 105 会议室联系人:赵进 jzhao@fudan.edu.cnAbstract:
Most software switches use a "code-driven" pipeline that processes packets throughstages which are each implemented as independent pieces of code. This yieldshigh performance for simple pipelines, but performance degrades as the pipeline becomes more complex. Open vSwitch, on the other hand, has pioneered what might be called a "table-driven" pipeline. This approach is amenable tocaching, which means that performance changes little as the pipeline becomes more complex. This talk will elaborate on this distinction and explain the pros and cons of each approach in terms of program structure and performance.
Ben Pfaff is a lead developer of the Open vSwitch projectand led the development effort of the OpenFlow reference implementation. He was a founding employee at Nicira and is currently at VMware. He received his PhD from Stanford University in 2007. Ben has worked in free and open source software projects, including Debian and GNU, for over 20 years. Ben is a Senior Member of ACM and a Fellow of the Open Networking Foundation.
Justin Pettit is a lead developer of the Open vSwitch project. He was a founding employee at Nicira Networks, and was one of the original authors of the Open Flow Standard, working on both the specification and reference implementation. Prior to Nicira, Justin worked at three successful startups focused on network security. While completing his Master’s degree in Computer Science at Stanford, he worked on research that became the basis for the Open Flow Standard and software-defined networking.