• 讲座信息

12.28| Smart Energy-Aware Data Allocation for Heterogeneous Memory


演讲人:Meikang Qiu

时间:2016 年 12 月 28 日(周三)上午 10:00-11:30

地点:邯郸校区逸夫楼 407 室

联系人:吕智慧 lzh@fudan.edu.cn

Heterogeneous memory is an emerging concept that uses multiple kinds of memories to balance the contradictions between the performance and cost. Many prior researches have addressed the heterogeneous memory designs, which attracted both researchers and practitioners. However, the main challenge in memory design is that the moving costs between memories cannot be ignored, such that forming an effective data allocation plan is a critical part for reducing total costs. This paper focuses on this issue and proposes an adaptive energy-aware approach that is designed for efficiently generating adaptive data allocation plans in heterogeneous memories. Two crucial variables are considered the condition constraints, including time and energy consumptions. The proposed method is called Smart Data Allocation Model (SDAM), which is supported by our algorithm, Smart Switch Allocation Algorithm (SA2). The experimental results have depicted that our approach is superior to prior developed methods.

Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Associate Professor of Computer Science at Pace University. He is an IEEE Senior member and ACM Senior member. He is the Chair of IEEE Smart Computing Technical Committee. His research interests include cyber security, cloud computing, big data storage, hybrid memory, heterogeneous systems, embedded systems, operating systems, optimization, intelligent systems, sensor networks, etc. A lot of novel results have been produced and most of them have already been reported to research community through high-quality journal and conference papers. He has published 5 books, 330 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers (including 150+ journal articles, 180+ conference papers, 50+ IEEE/ACM Transactions papers), and 3 patents. He has won ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electrical Systems (TODAES) 2011 Best Paper Award. His paper about cloud computing has been published in JPDC (Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier) and ranked #1 in Top Hottest 25 Papers of JPDC 2012. He has won another 8 Conference Best Paper Awards in recent years. Currently he is an associate editor of 10+ international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Computer and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He is the General Chair/Program Chair of a dozen of IEEE/ACM international conferences, such as IEEE HPCC, IEEE CSCloud, IEEE BigDataSecurity. He has given 100+ talks all over the world, including Oxford, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale University. He has won Navy Summer Faculty Award in 2012 and Air Force Summer Faculty Award in 2009. His research is supported by US government such as NSF, Air Force, Navy and companies such as GE, Nokia, TCL.