• 讲座信息

12.21 | Use and Manage Your Network with a "Zero Loss" Guarantee


讲座时间:2015 年 12 月 21 日 (周一) 上午 10 时

讲座地点:邯郸路 220 号复旦大学逸夫楼 407 室

承办单位: 复旦大学计算机学院网络与信息安全研究所-Ni SL

联系人:  吴杰 jwu@fudan.edu.cn

Short Bio:

Hongqiang (Harry) Liu is a Postdoc Researcher in Microsoft Research, Redmond Lab. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at Yale University in 2014, and his advisor is Prof. David Gelernter. Before joining Yale, he received his Master's and Bachelor's degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing. His research interest spans many aspects of networking and cloud computing, including software-defined networking (SDN), traffic engineering, content delivery networks (CDN), and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications, network technologies for BigData and virtual reality. He has published several papers in top-tier academic conferences, such as ACM SIGCOMM, USENIX NSDI and USENIX ATC.

He is a recipient of the prestigious ACM SIGCOMM Doctoral Dissertation Award - Honorable Mention (2015) and Cascadia Innovation Fellowship (2011).