'演讲人:曾嘉 博士、袁明轩 博士、吕正东 博士
时间: 2015 年 9 月 18 号(周五)下午 2:00-4:00
地点: 复旦大学 张江校区软件楼 105 IBM 会议室
联系人:厉家鼎 lijiading@fudan.edu.cn
The Noah’s Ark Lab is a research lab of Huawei Technologies, located in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The mission of the lab is to make significant contributions to both the company and society by innovating in data mining, artificial intelligence, and related fields. Founded in 2012, the lab has now grown to be a research organization with many significant achievements in both academia and industry. In this talk, three speakers will introduce some of the projects pursued by the researchers at the lab.
Jia Zeng is a senior researcher at Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei. He obtained his Ph.D degree from City University of Hong Kong. His main research interests include scalable machine learning algorithms and telco big data analytics.
Mingxuan Yuan is a researcher at Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research interests include spatiotemporal database and location-based services.
吕正东是华为诺亚方舟实验室的资深研究员。 他在俄勒冈健康与科学大学获得博士学位。在加入华为之前,他曾在德州大学奥斯汀分校和微软亚洲研究院工作,分别任博士后研究员和副研究员。
Zhengdong Lu is a senior researcher at Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei. Zhengdong Lu got his Ph.D degree from Oregon Health & Science University. Before joining Huawei, Dr. Lu worked as a postdoctoral researcher in University of Texas at Austin and an associate researcher in MSRA.