• 讲座信息

12.04|Sound and Music Computing for Exercise and Rehabilitation


演讲人:Ye Wang, Sound and Music Computing Lab, National University of Singapore
时 间:2014 年 12 月 4 日 18:30-19:30
地 点:张江校区二教 2206 教室
联系人:李伟 weili-fudan@fudan.edu.cn

The use of music as an aid in healing body and mind has received enormous attention over the last 20 years from a wide range of disciplines,including neuroscience, physical therapy, exercise science, and psychological medicine. We have attempted to transform insights gained from the scientific study of music and medicine into real-life applications that can be delivered widely, effectively, and accurately. We have been trying to use music in evidence-based and/or preventative medicine. In this talk, I will describe three clinically-focused tools to facilitate the delivery of established music-enhanced therapies, harnessing the synergy of sound and music computing (SMC), mobile computing, and cloud computing technologies to promote healthy lifestyles and to facilitate disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in both developed countries and resource-poor developing countries. I will present some of our past and ongoing research projects that combine wearable
sensors, smartphone apps, and a cloud-based therapy delivery system to facilitate music-enhanced physical and speech therapy, as well as the joys and pains working in such a multidisciplinary environment.

Ye Wang is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS). He established and directed the sound and music computing (SMC) Lab (www.smcnus.org). Before joining NUS he was a member of the technical staff at Nokia Research Center in Tampere, Finland for 9 years. His research interests include sound analysis and music information retrieval (MIR), mobile computing, and cloud computing, and their applications in music edutainment and e-Health, as well as determining their effectiveness via subjective and objective evaluations. His most recent projects involve the design and evaluation of systems to support 1) therapeutic gait training using Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), and 2) Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT). He is also affiliated with the School of Computer Science of Fudan University and Harvard Medical School.