演讲人:Marc Dacier, Principal Scientist Cybersecurity,Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)mdacier@qf.org.qa时间: 11 月 14 日(周五)下午 3:00-4:30地点: 张江校区软件楼 102 会议室第二会议室联系人:韩伟力 wlhan@fudan.edu.cnAbstractIn this talk, I will start with a very brief presentation of the Qatar Computing Research Institute, its 6 research groups and, in particular, the large cybersecurity research team in the process of being built there. Then, I’ll present one of its research directions. I will explain, by means of practical examples how it is possible, by collecting a diverse and large amount of information, to better understand the modus operandi of the malicious actors running attacks on the Internet. Such analysis is very useful to be able for attack attribution purposes but also to identify efficient mechanisms to mitigate these attacks. In particular, I will explain one specific technique I have contributed to while at Symantec Research Labs, namely TRIAGE whose main creator is O. Thonnard (Amadeus, France). That cyber intelligence analytics tool has been applied, among other things, to the understanding of rogue AV campaigns, Advanced Persistent Threats or BGP hijacks attacks (the last one in collaboration with P-A Vervier, Symantec Research Labs). A couple of examples will be given for each application scenario.BiographyMarc Dacier, Ph.D., is a Principal Scientist within the Cybersecurity Group at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) . He is helping building there a 50+ full time, permanent, researchers and engineers cybersecurity research team. Dr. Dacier holds a PhD, European Label, from the Institute National Polytechnique of Toulouse, France, which he obtained in 1994 after having worked for 3 years at LAAS-CNRS. After a year as a security consultant in Paris, France, he joined IBM Research in Zurich, Switzerland to form and lead the Global Security Analysis Laboratory. In 2002, he left IBM to become a professor at Eurecom, in Sophia Antipolis, France. Eurecom is one of the most active European research and training institutes in cybersecurity. Subsequent to his tenure with Eurecom, Marc joined Symantec to help form its European Research Labs and later direct all of the collaborative research projects carried out within the company in France, Ireland and in the United States. While at Symantec, he also spent two years in the USA overseeing university relationship management worldwide for Symantec Research Labs. An internationally recognized expert in computer and network security, Dr. Dacier has served on more than 60 program committees of major security and dependability conferences and as a member of the editorial board of several technical journals. More information about him can be found at http://www.qcri.qa/our-people/marcdacier