主讲人: 田 臣 博士Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology讲座时间:2013 年 6 月 18 日 (周二) 下午 2 时 30 分讲座地点:邯郸校区逸夫楼 407 室承办单位: 复旦大学计算机学院网络与信息安全研究所-Ni/SL联系人: 吴杰 jwu@fudan.edu.cn
Abstract:Software Defined Networking (SDN) is the most exciting frontier, for both academia and industry, in networking world. The two critical attributes of SDN are: (1) Physical Separation of Control from Forwarding: a separated, single, global control plane observe & control a whole network; (2) Uniform Hardware Abstraction: open standards for the hardware interfaces, such as OpenFlow, make the uniform management of heterogeneous hardware, from various vendors, a mission possible. In this talk, I will share some interesting observation & rethinking of these attributes, along with some possible research opportunities.Speaker Biography:Dr. Chen Tian has been with the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology since 2013. Formerly he was a postdoc researcher at Computer Science, Yale University. He obtained his PhD from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Since 2010, he has been working on Internet streaming and successfully developed a performance evaluation system embeded in production streaming networks (published in SIGCOMM 2012). Since 2012, he has been working on cloud computing, especially data center networking and software defined networks.