Spearker:Prof.Steve Benford
Time: 2012 年 7 月 17 日 下午 2:30Venue: 复旦大学张江校区软件楼 105(IBM 会议室)Contact: 丁向华 dingx@fudan.edu.cn
Abstract:For many people, the ‘user experience’ is synonymous with the ‘user interface’. My talk will explore an alternative perspective that considers a broader notion of user experience that extends over space, time and incorporates multiple interfaces. I will begin by presenting the work of a new generation of artists who have been creating unusual and extended experiences that mix together real and virtual spaces, digital and physical materials, and scripted media with live action. From these, I will draw out a general framework for designing the extended user experience in terms of three types of trajectory called canonical, participant and historic trajectories. Finally, I will consider how this framework applies to the design of a wider range of experiences, including cultural experiences such as visiting museums and theme parks, but potentially to others too.
Bio:Steve Benford is Professor of Collaborative Computing in the Mixed Reality Laboratory at Nottingham. He is head of the School of Computer Science, Director of the EPSRC-funded Doctoral Training Centre in Ubiquitous Computing for the Digital Economy, and is an EPSRC Dream Fellow. He has received best paper awards at CHI 2005, CHI 2009, CHI 2011, CHI 2012, won the 2003 Prix Ars Elctronica for Interactive Art, the 2007 Nokia Mindtrek award for innovative applications of ubiquitous computing, and has received four BAFTA nominations. He was elected to the CHI Academy in 2012. His book Performing Mixed Reality was published by MIT Press in 2011.